Working Papers
Forged by Blood and Fire: Explaining the Long-Term Cohesion of the CCP through Elite Networks (1927-1978)

At times, even a ruler may find themselves in a precarious position when managing elites with complex factional identities. Having more complex factional identities, elites are enabled to utilize their substantial political capital to secure higher positions. Nonetheless, this advantage is accompanied by an increased risk of being purged, as close interactions with other elites may be perceived as a threat to the ruler.
How can discursive mobilization be possible —— A study based People’s Daily (with Kaiping Zhang)

We establishes a dataset of 1,414 numerical abbreviations(e.g., 五讲四美三热爱) based on the People's Daily and verifie the temporal correlation between the frequency of numerical abbreviations and political mobilization. Through a case study of the patriotic health campaign, we find that Local governments align with the central government, using 'discourse intensification' along with 'discourse transformation' to promote social mobilization.